Sunday, October 18, 2009

Adobe + Omniture

Yeah, I've been quiet for a while.

I then thought better of posting a knee jerk reaction to the purchase by adobe. Although I normally have a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time I actually impressed myself with my restraint and hopefully kept my job because of it.

Needless to say I do have an opinion on the purchase, I think its a good thing but perhaps not for all of the blue sky thinking that seem to bounce around the net whilst people tried to make sense of two companies with relatively different USPs and business models coming together. (btw. adam greco's was my favourite)

I'll I'm going to say is that when one company buys another, its the buyer that sets the agenda. I think there will be a time of reflection whereby Omniture will need to prove its potential growth, expansion and revenue to its new owners before it can set a new future.

I look forward to becoming an Adobe employee!

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