Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Data Quality and the Web

Avinash publishes another blog article regarding data quality.

Its a good article, nicely written but I have to agree with Mickey

"This is a nice sentiment but nothing new in the BI area - another example of web analytics not learning from “old school” analytics.

Although operational databases are usually very accurate, of the 100’s of customer databases I’ve data-mined over the past ten years, I cant think of many that were over 95% accurate, with customers data being ommitted, duplicated, mis-inputted etc.

The sentiment is right, go for precision in the data that helps you make your decision"

I get rather frustrated with web analytics going over ground that we have previously covered. Aviniash claims to come from the BI world. Unless he was working off an operational dataset, dealing with problems of accuracy should have been his bread and butter and therefore this should be nothing new for him, or for anyone else in the industry. If it is, I'll again quote Mickey,

"but will this be a cultural change for most marketers? It shouldn’t be. If it is news for you, either your tech people have been lying to you about you data quality for years or you havent been collecting much data about the customer"

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