I don't have a fancy mobile phone.
If I did would it change my life?
I think in some ways it could. The potential is huge.
The potential is a wide as it was for the internet in the mid nineties.
But the web is full of a lot of shit and I'm guessing apps will be too. I would probably spend a lot of time doing relatively useless crap.
I was trying to think what apps would change the way I'd do things, what would actually change my behaviour rather than some flash in the pan gimic.
What would combine data collection, photography, GPS and data available from the internet that would keep me interested?
I hate filling in forms. I really do.
I was wondering what industries use a lot of forms that really put me off.
I didn't think of anything glamorous.
I thought of insurance.
I wondered how hard would it be to photo a receipt or item that you buy and upload it to you home contents insurance? I know I've got stuff not covered simply because I haven't got round to filling the form in stating I've purchase it. I'd be willing to pay that little extra to my premium or app just to know I've got everything covered.
I wondered how hard would it be to upload details at the time of a car crash/ incident. You could show impact and GPS location whilst swapping details with the other person via bluetooth. Now I don't think this would be a big seller, but it could have a great impact (no pun intended) as there are accidents everyday and people get stressed and forget what to do, an app could take them through the steps. Think of it as customer service.
I wondered about local government (after being inspired by this website) there must be so many different applications that could make a difference.
I will get a smart phone, honest. I just might wait for another 5 years before the less glamorous industries catch up so that I can then start using apps that would really make a difference to my life.
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