I'm rebranding.
I decided to change the name of this blog.
With the blog I initially wanted to get all my experiences down on electronic paper, so as new analytics and business software came out, I'd be able to say "been doing that for years" and that that would somehow grant me respect in the community and put me in a better position when job seeking in some future time. It was full of positivity with the hope of passing on some of the data mining experience I've had across many business, verticals and channels to other people.
Thing is I can write a lot about analytics, particular on the online channel but I really dont think anyones particularly interested in my take on things (which is mildly anti-establishment), and even if they were I dont do it often enough to maintain an audience.
Ok so I dont have an audience and am not actively marketing this blog, but seriously, the average person is not interested in how or why high end analytics or number crunching might help them in the online channel. The high end industry guru's are usually pretty useless and everything other than self promotion (IMO) and probably wouldn't like someone like myself contradicting the lovely little niches they've carved for themselves that provide them a living (and everyone's got to make a living, right?).
Basically, nothing I say is really about building a network or gathering an inane set of followers.
So this is it, the "Analytic Rant".
Because that it what it usually is.
I'll leave "Analytic" in the title but its really about any use of numbers in amazing or cretinous way. I'd like to make the blog bigger than "Analytics", talking more about how I see business as a whole and how analytics fits in. What I find I'm strong in is positioning how analytics can really work (or not as the case may be) in a business world where the vogue is to capture more and more data and numbers just becuase business media and software companies convince companies they ought to.
I've got to include "Rant" is in there becuase that's what I do. I rant. I write to rant. I rant to blow off some steam and thats about it. Even when I'm passionate about something I rant, usually becuase I'm amazed that the thing I like isn't more widespread that it is already - but on the whole, its the pretentious dumbasses out there than get me down and lead me to writing the very occasional post.
So thats it. A change in name, rebranding if you will.
I dont think thats going to be a problem.
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