My local Sainsbury's has just gone through a makeover.
They've shifted all my usual purchases and I struggled to find them.
I found them eventually but not until I'd seen a load of stuff I don't normally see (or am normally tempted by).
Surely they'd optimised the layout previously, surely everything was perfect, what have they done?
What they've done is amend the layout for a number of reasons both customer and business focused and whilst hopefully considering the risks of offending regulars. They will of course measure and evaluate the changes but I doubt they'll roll back to the way it was unless the takings take a dramatic turn for the worse, and that's unlikey.
And it actually doesn't make a difference to me, I'm still likely to shop there, I've been exposed to a few different things all for the inconvenience of a slightly longer shop for one day. Sainsbury's get a bit more insight on shopping behaviour, more new views of different products and I assume a better functioning shop. I know for some people, change is a bigger deal than others, but seriously, I wonder how many people would leave because of overall layout as opposed to price, location and products.
I was more upset when they stopped producing their mixed-olive humus. No seriously. That pushed me to a few more shopping trips to Morrisons and Waitrose than this change will.
So why blog on this? Well people are often so scared to make changes to their sites. Yes change can have a big negative impact, but it can also reap rewards. Just make sure when you change the layout you don't forget that what drives most customers are the products and their perceived value.
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