article from Omniture relating to the success of mobile.
Lets consider a few things:
1) Mobile usage is increasing, we all know it. Showing revenue increasing is comforting but not much in the way of news, its what we'd expect as the industry matures and stores provide more mobile commerce facilities.
2) Regarding the % of revenue derived from mobile devices. They mention 0.4% (wooo) - what I'd like to know is if there are any common factors where the increase has been highest - is it dependent on the product/vertical or technology (i.e. these retailers had improved their mobile facilities)?
3) Revenue growth outpacing page view growth, is that surprising? We don't want to be downloading loads of pages on our mobiles, perhaps the revenue growth out gunning page view growth can be explained alone by site improvements i.e. less pages in the purchase process. Although that is possible, I anticipate it is simply more people buying via mobile. Whereas before it was something new and people were browsing around the sites rather than buying, they are now purchasing. We are seeing increasing growth on an activity that was probably not very common in the first place.
4) The Iphone stat. I'd love to know what the % split of revenue is from Iphone apps to site browsing, that's surely one of the more interesting figures.
To find that the increased market share of smart phones in the population relates to increases in one of the activities they were aimed at (ecommerce) is not really much insight.
Its good that we're showing mobile is maturing and becoming an increasingly relevant player as an ecommerce channel, but I could have told you that just from asking my friends about their mobile usage - I don't really need the stats.
What I want is to know more about how to take the greatest advantage of this channel which I think is something missing within the blog post and an opportunity missed to demonstrate Omniture's value of tracking mobile devices - it really is a good idea!
So why should I post about something that isn't news? I just hope that the increase in mobile usage comforts you in this season of goodwill - it confirms what all those expensive trendy market analysts have been telling you would happen.
And lets face it, if you haven't got your site geared up for mobile its probably a bit too late to worry about how to gain that extra 0.3% in christmas revenue.
Happy mobile christmas!